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Appointment Booking Automation

Automated patient scheduling aids in the management of the time between the patient & the nurse when an appointment is made and when the patient arrives for their visit.


Automated scheduling solutions do not necessitate the involvement of a medical staff, which automatically improves patient access. If a cancellation occurs, the system will look at patients who have appointments scheduled in the future and determine who is most qualified for the time allotted. Working with an automated system that does not require human intervention will save your practice time and highly cuts down the expenses.

Appointment Booking Automation

We use technologies that make the application light & fast!

Telecommunication API Integration

Telecommunication API from Vonage

Speech to Text using Google Speech Engine

Google Speech Engine (STT, TTS).

Voice Bot Platform

Bot platform built on Kore.ai

Appointment Booking Automation Features

Appointment Booking- Features

Enhance self-scheduling appointments online at any time using the AI-powered Voice Bot with no interactions by the medical staff (a Nurse) with a flow that perfectly mimics the natural human conversation.

  • Automatic calls initiated by the Voice Bot for scheduling the surgery.
  • Defined preoperative procedure questions to patients before scheduling a surgery. Also, for post-surgery procedures.
  • Dynamic dashboard to manage the Calls & appointments for the practitioner.
  • Quicker diagnosis & Quicker appointments with less human intervention.

Why Choose Us?

We provide you with the best and flexible solution for your software ideas!

/Patient Queries

Instant answers to Patient’s queries.

Easy Pronunciation using NLP

Easy pronunciation to enhance the understanding of the patient.

Vernacular Language Support

Neat Voice Support with vernacular language support (for English).

Patient Interaction using Voice Bots

Voice Bot replies like a real Human, making it easy for patient interaction.